10/2006 - 7/2009
Philosophy at the Philipps University, Marburg. Main focus: History of philosophy, philosophy of language, philosophy of culture, philosophical anthropology and philosophy of mind. Degree: Master of Arts with the thesis: "The Relationship between Language and Myth in Ernst Cassirer".
8/2004 - 1/2005
Cultural Studies (kulturvetenskap) at the Malmö Högskolan (Malmö University), Malmö/ Sweden. Focus: Literary studies.
10/2002 - 8/2006
Cultural sciences and law at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder). Main focus: Literary studies, social sciences, museology, philosophy and ethnology. Degree: Bachelor of Arts with the thesis "The Social Ethics of Karl R. Popper".
Since 10/2023
Head of Science Communication & Researcher at the Department Smart Enterprise Engineering at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Osnabrück
2/2019 - 7/2023
Product manager for new developments in the areas of video, eLearning and virtual reality at Verlag Dashöfer GmbH, Hamburg
10/2018 - 1/2019
Product manager for new developments in the areas of video & eLearning at Verlag Dashöfer GmbH, Hamburg
10/2008 - 9/2018
Founder, board member, head of press and public relations and object designer (honorary positions) at DenkWelten - German Museum of Philosophy Marburg and Jena.
Head of Knowledge Management at Google Germany Inc. ETO/ PTS GmbH & Co. KG - Dock15 (Vendor), Hamburg.
Senior Online Marketing Strategist and Trainer at Google Germany Inc. ETO/ PTS GmbH & Co. KG - Dock15 (Vendor), Hamburg
8/2014 - 9/2016
Online Marketing Consultant/ Campaign Specialist at Google Germany Inc. ETO/ PTS Petereit Services GmbH & Co. KG (Vendor), Hamburg
10/2011 - 3/2015
Lecturer at the Institute of Philosophy at the Philipps-University Marburg
10/2011 - 03/2015
Editor at the literary platform literaturkritik.de, Marburg
10/2010 - 10/2013
Research assistant m.A. at the Computer Center of the Philipps-University Marburg
4/2011 - 3/2013
Research assistant m.A. at the Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung Frankfurt
10/2009 - 3/2011
Scientific assistant m.A. at Morphisto - Evolution Research and Application GmbH, Frankfurt
10/2009 - 9/2010
Research assistant m.A. at the Institute of Philosophy, Philipps-University of Marburg, Germany
German Society for Philosophy (DGPhil)
Research Group Materiality(ies): Receptions - Transformations - Manifestations (Ulmer Verein - Association for Art and Cultural Studies)
Research group "X-Phi" of the Philipps-University Marburg
Research group "Ernst Cassirer interdisciplinary" of the Philipps-University Marburg
DenkWelten - German Museum of Philosophy
Friends of the Hamburger Kunsthalle e.V.
Supporting member Afghan Women's Association
American Fern Society
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