Tobias Weilandt gives scientific and public lectures on various topics and issues in the fields of philosophy, art, literary studies, marketing and knowledge management.
"VR and AI in nursing training. Simulating confrontation experiences with virtual reality and analysing them with emotion AI" as part of the Learning Worlds 2024 congress. Next Education - on the pulse of time for healthcare professions. Organiser: hps media and FH Innsbruck, Innsbruck/Austria. (pre-content)
"Multiple Portraits and Ephemeral Image Titles. Dieter Roth's Critique of James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" as part of the international conference Metamorphosis - Ecstases of Matter and Image. Organiser: Department of Art and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen/Denmark. (30.05.2024).
"Disgust. Art. Fiction. - Aesthetic disgust as an emotion" as part of the lecture series of the AG Materialität(en) - Rezeptionen - Transformationen - Manifestationen. Organiser: AG Materialität(en) des Verbandes für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften (Ulmer Verein).
25.- 27.5.2023
"Against our better judgement! When do we feel flight shame and consumer disgust?" in the context of the symposium "Angst. Disgust. Failure. A symposium on the blind spots of sustainability". Sponsor: Hamburg Research Academy. Oberhafenquartier, Hamburg. (27.5.2023).
"The negation of food intake. Forms of psychological disgust in the context of food." at the international conference "Culinary evolutions. International Conference on Food Studies." Organized by the London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Birkbeck - University of London, London/ England. (21.8.2022).
"And what comes after intoxication? Forms of psychological disgust in the post-consumption phase" at the online workshop series "Consumer Research 2021: Consumer Lust and Consumer Frustration. Psychological, sociological and ethical aspects of buying and consuming." Organizer: Kompetenzzentrum Verbraucherforschung NRW (KVF NRW).
"Literature as Confrontation and Compensation. On the Concept of Disgust in the Literature of the Goethe Period." at the international conference "Approaches to the "Inner World" of Man. Diagnoses and Therapies of the Mental (in) Literature around 1800". Organizer: Institute of Germanic Philology of the University of Gdańsk (Gdansk/ Poland). (Postponed to March 2021 due to COVID-19 pandemic).
"Explorable Sites of Philosophy. Philosophy Visualizations as Media of Artistic and Scientific Research and Mediation" at the symposium "How To Arts Education Research? Knowledge Practices between Art and Education" in Karlsruhe. Organizer: State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe. (6.11.2020)
"Fruit, Mincemeat, Dead Insects. A View through Dieter Roth's "Moldy Window"" at the event series "Object Talks" at the Dieter Roth Museum in Hamburg. Organizer: Dieter Roth Foundation Hamburg.
"Taking Images for granted? Visualizations in Natural Sciences and Philosophy" at the 10th Symposium of the Forum of Didactics of Philosophy and Ethics "Lebenswelt und Wissenschaft" in Salzburg. Organizer: Forum of Didactics of Philosophy and Ethics and University of Salzburg. (19.5.2018)
"The opposite of appetite - Is there an art-specific feeling of disgust?" at the workshop "Metabolisms. Food in Art" in Hamburg. Organizer: art history seminar of the University of Hamburg, Warburg Haus. (17.11.2017)
"No Experiments!!! What does psychology contribute to philosophical questions?" (together with M. Siegel) at the symposium "Experiments: On the Role of Empirical Research for Philosophy, Ethics and their Didactics" in Tübingen. Organizer: Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen and International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities. (28.9.2015)
"The Reality of Virtual Interaction. Possibilities and Limits of Digitization in a Museum of Philosophy." (together with M. Siegel) at the conference "The Museum of Babel" in Frankfurt/ Main. Organizer: Senckenberg Research Institute and Museum, Leibniz Association. (14.11.2014)
"A Case for 2? The Relationship between Philosophy and Psychology." (together with M. Siegel) at the conference "Limits and Possibilities of Experimental Philosophy" in Marburg. Organizer: AG Experimentelle Philosophie of the Philipps-Universität Marburg.
18.10. - 19.10.2013
"Reflections on philosophical visualizations" at the conference "Fantastic Visualizations in Art" in Blagoevgrad/ Bulgaria. Organizer: Institute of Philosophy of the South-West University "Neofit Rilski" in Blagoevgrad. (19.10.2013).
"Space. Infinite expanses? Chances and limits of philosophy visualizations" at the conference "Practical Philosophy?" in Salzburg. Organizer: Department of Philosophy and Center for Ethics and Poverty Research at the University of Salzburg. (4.10.2013)
"Do animals are losing hearing and seeing? Ernst Cassirer's Contribution to the Question of the Mind of Animals" at the conference "Lebensbilder. Ernst Cassirer and the History of Ideas" in Marburg. Organizer: Portal History of Ideas of the Philipps-Universität Marburg.
"Language and Myth in Ernst Cassirer" at the student lecture series "(...)" in Marburg. Organizer: Philosophy Department of the Philipps-Universität Marburg.
"Virtual Reality and AI in Soft Skill Training" as part of the Barcamp "VR/AR Working and Learning" (Online). Organiser: Immersive Learning Institute.
"Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: innovative offerings for professional development" at the Corporate Learning Conference in Munich. Organizer: Academy of German Media Munich.
"The Times They Are A-Changin' - Reaching New Customers through Online Marketing" at the IT-Fachkongress 2017 in Leer. Organizer: KompetenzNetzwerk IT-Achse Ems; Sparkasse LeerWittmund.
"Let it B? - Successful B2B Strategies with Google AdWords" at "Game On Kick Off 2017" event of the Google Partners Program (DACH region)" in Hamburg. Organizers: Google Germany Inc. and PTS GmbH & Co. KG.
"Being found! Search engine marketing for museums" at MAI conference (museums and the internet) in Hamburg. Organizers: LVR Department of Regional Cultural Work, LVR Archive Advisory and Training Center, International Maritime Museum Hamburg. (29.5.2016)
"Let me Google that for you - The customer in the digital transformation" (together with Linda Weichel). On behalf of Google Deutschland GmbH in Passau. Organizer: Wirtschaftsjunioren Passau and Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Lower Bavaria.
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