Tobias Weilandt's publications cover various topics from different disciplines. These include philosophy, art, psychology and technology.
The relationship between language and myth. The question of the foundation of culture. Munich 2009. 122 pages.
Fortunately not like the others? How emotions create distance and distinction in the consumer context, in: Angst. Disgust. Failure. The blind spots of sustainability, ed. by: I. Jessen and Y. Siegmund, Berlin 2023. p. 136-139.
I'm sick of it! How moral disgust influences food intake, in: Journal Culinaire. Culture and science of food. Issue No. 36. 2023. p. 125-137.
And what comes after intoxication? Forms of psychological consumer disgust, in: Jahrbuch Konsum und Verbraucherwissenschaften 2022, ed. by: C. Bala and W. Schuldzinski, Düsseldorf 2023. p. 165-186.
The Opposite of Appetite. Disgust as an aesthetic experience, in: Metabolismen. Food as Art Material, ed. by: Isabella Augart and Ina Jessen, Hamburg 2019. pp. 161-171.
Humans, Animals, Artificial Intelligences - On Jakob von Uexküll's Umwelt Theory, in: Journal for Didactics of Philosophy and Ethics, ed. by Bettina Bussmann, issue 4/2018. Bamberg. S. 117-121.
No experiments!? Conceptual and methodological problems of experimental philosophy. (together with: Siegel, M.), in Empirical Research in Philosophy and Ethics Didactics. Yearbook of Didactics of Philosophy and Ethics 17, ed. by: J. Dietrich, Cordula Brand, and Johannes Rohbeck. Dresden 2016. pp. 35-49.
Thinking world or head birth? Possibilities of a Philosophy Museum (together with: Warkus, Matthias and Siegel, Michael), in Visual Philosophy, ed. by: Hanno Depner. Würzburg 2015. pp. 25-37.
The Reality of Virtual Interaction. Possibilities and Limits of Digitization in a Museum of Philosophy. (together with M. Siegel), in: conference proceedings Das Museum von Babel. Online publication, ed. by: Senckenberg Nature Research Society, 2015.
Transformations of Philosophical Literature, in: Standbein Spielbein, ed. by: Federal Association for Museum Education, August, no. 99/2014. pp. 31-34.
Reflections on philosophical visualizations (with a foreword in Bulgarian by Prof. Dr. Nina Hristova), in Philosophy of fantastic. Visualizations in Art, ed. by: Atanaska Cholakova et. al. Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria) 2013. pp. 13-19.
Jebens, Holger (ed.): Not understanding everything. Ways and Detours in German Ethnology. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 2019. 399 pp, in Anthropos. International Review of Anthropology and Linguistics, vol. 116/ 1, 2021, pp. 238-240.
Dante everywhere. Franziska Meier's "Visit to Hell" and the Reception History of the "Divine Comedy", in: 07/2021.
Oliver Lubrich and Thomas Stodulka: Emotions on Expeditions. A pocket manual for ethnographic practice. Bielefeld: transcript, 2019. 188 pp, in Anthropos. nternational Review of Anthropology and Linguistics, vol. 115/2, 2020. pp. 599-600.
Fear, Disgust, Happiness, and Anger. Emotions in Field Research: Oliver Lubrich/ Thomas Stodulka: Emotions on Expeditions, Bielefeld 2019, in: 05/2020.
The Transdisciplinary View. Alexander von Humboldt and the Humboldtian Science: Ottmar Ette (ed.): Alexander von Humboldt-Handbuch. Leben - Werk - Wirkung, Stuttgart 2018, in: 01/2020.
A Life for Verbal Magic. Franz K. Stanzel's research on the influence of "Kakania" on James Joyce and his novel Ulysses: Franz K. Stanzel: James Joyce in Kakania 1904-1915. With narrative-theoretical analyses of Ulysses in the appendix, Würzburg 2018. in: 11/19.
From the snoring of dolphins. A Journey through Humboldt's Animal Life: Sarah Bärtschi (ed.): Alexander von Humboldt. Tierleben, Berlin 2019. in: 7/2019.
Elegance as a profession: Joachim H. Knoll et. al. (eds.): Dandy. Ein kulturhistorisches Phänomen im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert, Berlin/ Boston 2013, in: 3/2014.
And what about the truth?: Paul Boghossian: Fear of knoewledge. Against relativism and constrictivism, Berlin 2013, in: 2/2014.
Animals and humans - all one?: Konrad P. Liessmann (ed.): Tiere. Der Mensch und seine Natur, Vienna 2013, in: 8/2013.
Great cinema? Declaration of love to a seemingly obsolete art form: Holger Noltze: Liebestod. Wagner, Verdi, Wir, Hamburg 2013, in: 7/2013.
Against a reductionist history of ideas: Ernst Cassirer: Über Rousseau, Berlin 2012, in: 12/2012.
Being there in Virtual Reality. Forms of presence in virtual reality applications and how to generate them, in: Immersive Learning Journal, ed. by: Institute for immersive learning. October 2023.
Face tracking in VR and AI emotion analysis: challenges and practical tips, in: - online magazine for VR, AR and AI. August 2023.
What makes Virtual Reality so unique? Three characteristics that distinguish VR from all other media, in: Immersive Learning Journal, ed. by: Institute for immersive learning. April 2023. [Link]
Everything is possible, but not everything makes sense! What distinguishes Virtual Reality from other training media and what needs to be considered in its development, in: Immersive Learning Journal, ed. by: Institute for immersive learning. July 26, 2022.
Rhetoric and presentation training using VR and AI, in: VR/AR Best Practice Navigator, ed. by VR Business Club and BSP Business and Law School - School of Management and Law. Potsdam 2022. pp. 35-46.
What is immersion? And why should you be wary of trains?, in Immersive Learning Journal, ed. by: Institute for immersive learning. November 2, 2021.
Don't be afraid of online marketing! - Google AdWords and Ad Grants for Museums, in: Standbein Spielbein, ed. by Bundesverband für Museumspädagogik, August, No. 102/2015. pp. 30-33.
Heidegger and Cassirer meet with great response. Museum of Philosophy prepares second major exhibition, in Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Philosophie e.V., December 2013, no. 22, pp. 6-7.
Fantasy and Association as Methods, in: Die Glücklichen sind neugierig. Zehn Jahre Kolleg Friedrich Nietzsche (Festschrift), ed. by: Julia Wagner and Stefan Wilke. Weimar 2009. pp. 48-50.
Róža Domašcyna, in: Oder Rhine. Borders in the River. An Anthology, ed. by: Lothar Jordan and Regina Wyrwoll. Tübingen 2007. p. 167.
Richard Pietraß, in: Oder Rhine. Borders in the River. An Anthology, ed. by: Lothar Jordan and Regina Wyrwoll. Tübingen 2007. p. 177.
Thomas Rosenlöcher, in: Oder Rhine. Borders in the River. An Anthology, ed. by: Lothar Jordan and Regina Wyrwoll. Tübingen 2007. pp. 177-178.
Michael Zeller, in: Oder Rhine. Borders in the River. An Anthology, ed. by: Lothar Jordan and Regina Wyrwoll. Tübingen 2007. p. 182.
Philosophy, off to the museum!, in: Hohe Luft. Das Philosophiemagazin, interview with Tobias Weilandt by C. Geyer. 3.12.2014.
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